Monday, July 18, 2011

How to Choose an Engagement Ring If You're a Lesbian

June 30, 2011

The engagement ring is a symbol of betrothal dating back to the 15th century. A marriage proposal is traditionally marked by the giving of a ring, which some say shows a partner’s ability to financially support his or her mate. Gay and lesbian couples participate in this ring exchange as well, and both women in a lesbian couple may choose to wear an engagement ring. In some states, a ring is the only physical symbol of gay and lesbian relationships, and a highly symbolic ring is a beautiful way to celebrate a partnership.

Step 1
Consider the symbolism of diamonds, the traditional engagement ring stone. Practically indestructible, diamonds represent unconquerable love. Ancient Greeks believed diamonds were splinters of fallen stars. In India, the stone was thought to shield the wearer from evil. Ancient astrologers considered diamonds symbols of lasting love. The diamond carries endless associations of love and desire.

Step 2
Explore alternative gems. Your partner’s birthstone is a meaningful option, and an unexpected twist on traditional engagement rings. Stones signifying the wedding date, engagement date or other significant date can be unique choices as well.

Step 3
Choose a setting. The setting for a diamond or gemstone is a matter of taste. Many couples choose a three-stone setting to represent the past, present and future of the relationship. An eternity ring with diamonds all around the band represents eternal love. Solitaire settings can be simple or elaborate. Other symbolic rings are the Celtic love knot, which shows the intricate interweaving of each others’ lives, and the Irish Claddagh ring, which signifies love, friendship and fidelity. Some niche jewelers carry gay pride rings with same-gender symbols and rainbow gems in a variety of settings. Titanium bands are another popular choice because the metal can be fashioned into rainbow patterns or other colors.

Step 4
Purchase the ring. Online or in a store you can find a variety of symbolic engagement rings. Conventional jewelers may not respond well to a woman buying an engagement ring. The merchant may be merely curious, or outright hostile. On the other hand, the sales staff may be perfectly accommodating. To avoid an uncomfortable situation you may choose to buy from a lesbian-friendly business or shop online. Before buying jewelry online do some research to ensure the company is reliable. There are several gay pride jewelers online as well, who offer rings symbolic of gay pride in addition to traditional jewelry.

The Knot: Wedding Rings: Diamond & Wedding Band Traditions
Wedding Bands: Gay Engagement Rings

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