Monday, July 4, 2011

Cool Ways to Set Up College Dorms

May 28, 2011

Your college dorm room is not just for sleeping. You study, entertain and even eat a few meals there, all in a room the size of a closet. And you'll probably be sharing it with someone. Your room might as well be somewhere you want to spend a lot of time. There are many ways to customize your dorm room for comfort and function.

The Basics
If your dorm allows, loft your beds. A loft lets the mattress sit like a bunk bed without the bottom bunk. Underneath, you can fit a desk, futon, refrigerator and any number of other necessities that would not otherwise fit in a small dorm room.

Arrange to have enough storage to keep messes hidden and precious floor space clear. You can maximize your space by pushing storage bins in the closet, under a futon and above the floor on homemade shelves. Make sure to follow all dorm rules.

Define Your Space
The easiest way to create a theme in a room is with linens. They are the first thing people notice when they enter a bedroom, and they take up most of the visual space in a small room. Arrange with your roommate to have coordinating bedding (not necessarily matching). Another important detail is to cover your windows. Window coverings not only give bare walls visual interest, they are also practical for controlling light and temperature.

Wall art beyond the typical college poster collection is an inexpensive way to define your space. Hide stark white walls with a collage of black and white pictures in black frames; use round place mats in a pattern for a modern, geometrical design or drape fabric (even on the ceiling) to create an ethereal softness. String together decorative lanterns for a great lighting alternative.

Over-the-Top Extras
Lofts are great for creating space, but difficult to get in and out of. Arrange your lofts in a right angle and secure a plastic play slide in between for an easy exit, not to mention a real conversation piece.

In a crowded space, you might need a little room for yourself. If you have lofted your bed, you can tack a curtain to the top and let it drape to the floor. When you need quiet study time, retreat to your lofted haven. Pull it open when you want to welcome the world.

Dorm Dos and Don'ts
Do make friends with the resident adviser from the start. The RA can guide you in setting up your dorm according to residence hall policy and, as dorm veterans, share secrets for making the most of your space. Make sure you follow dorm codes. Violation of dorm policies can result in loss of housing privileges.

Don't get so carried away with your dorm decorating that you get stuck with fines at the end of the year. Most dorms allow only white tack; no nails, tape or thumbtacks can be used. Some dorms will waive fines if you repair minor holes, so check with your dorm staff about using thumbtacks for your wall hangings.

UGA Housing: The 2009 Room of the Year Contest
Dorm Delicious: How to Make a Small Room Appear Larger
Clemson University Housing: FAQ

College Board: Off-to-College Checklist

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