Sunday, July 24, 2011

The 3 Stages of Self in Islam

July 4, 2011

“Nafs” is translated as “self”, “soul” or “being.” It is the essence of being human. In Islam, body and spirit are directly opposed, as spirit is divine and body is of earth. The nafs is the mediator of these two parts where the divine and the worldly come together. The nafs has three levels that humans can attain, from the most base to the most divine.

Nafs Ammara
The first level of nafs is the Nafs al-Ammara Bissu, the commanding soul. The soul at this level is driven by desires, impulses, fears, appetites and egos. Islam teaches that most humans exist at this level. The soul at this level seeks to protect its self-interest, which is the basis for habitual and addictive behaviors. The soul will seek out satisfaction and justify its actions to satiate base desires. The self controlled by moods and impulses will even distort reality to ensure the body responds to its demands. This is the lowest level of the soul.

Nafs Lawwama
The next stage of being is Nafs al-Lawwama, the blaming soul. At this intermediate stage, the soul experiences inner jihad or struggle. Recognizing a higher reality, the soul seeks to control its impulses and center its consciousness to manage the self. The person can experience inner and active jihad to fulfill the covenant made with God. The self becomes aware of its own imperfections and seeks to improve them to be brought before Allah.

Nafs Mutma'inna
The final stage is Nafs al-Mutma’inna, the soul at peace. At this highest level, the soul finds tranquility in its certitude of Allah. The signs of God are manifested in the self, and the body and soul find peace. To reach the highest stage of self, one must observe silence, resisting distractions of impulses, desires and internal noise. Then one can see true reality where Allah reveals himself through signs.

Meaning of Nafs
Nafs represent an ascension of the soul to the highest possible level, peace with God. The soul is meant to transform through the stages. At the lowest level, the nafs has overcome the person. At the highest level, the person overcomes the nafs. Through ritual, contemplation, spiritual practices, ethical imperatives and religious teachings the soul can ascend to the highest level of being.

Islam From Inside: The Nafs
Living Islam: "The Meaning of Nafs"; Muhammad 'Afifi al-'Akiti; January 2010

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